I've made 3-4 different kinds of daal, the ubiquitous Indian lentil dish, and don't have a favorite because they are all wonderful. The common thread between them and what makes them particularly flavorful: sprinkle cumin seeds in the hot oil before you add your onions and garlic. Wait until they pop and turn toasty brown before adding anything else.
Here is today's:
I didn't have peppers and I forgot to add the lemon at the end, but it was quite wonderful. I cooked 1 cup of lentils in 3 cups liquid which included about a cup of the bone broth I made last week.
Beans are part of the daily checklist. The regular daily recommendation by Dr. Greger is 3 servings of 1/3 to 1/2 cup per day. Or something along those lines. We are never going to make it up to that number ever day, but lentils and black beans make it possible to have some every day.
I read somewhere that when broccoli and tomatoes are cooked together some kind of magical anti-cancer substance is created so I also made this:
Broccoli with Turmeric and Tomatoes (see subtitle of this blog)
I didn't have quite as much broccoli as this called for so I cut back a little on the turmeric -- even so I added cumin so the turmeric flavor wouldn't be quite so powerful.
I also added the bag of local arugula that I had waiting for me in the crisper -- also a crucifer, surprisingly.
Remember not to cook the broccoli until it rolls over and dies. It should stand up for itself or it loses the incredible nutritional value. I try to cook broccoli less than 6 minutes.
I looked at the plate I was giving Lindy: the daal, the broccoli and leftover beans'n'greens from yesterday and I thought, where's the calories! I added a generous handful of feta atop the broccoli. Tomorrow the boy gets meat.
Sounds delish, daaling!