One of the first bandwagons I got on post-diagnosis was juicing. I'm not sure what I read or saw that got me started on it but I bought a nice juicer with Christmas money. What I remember from my read is that the idea is to get a hit of nutrients that will get absorbed quickly. I had this idea we'd drink 8 glasses of a good combination of veggies. I read a blog where this guy "cured his cancer" by drinking so much carrot juice that he turned orange. That was the idea before entering Lindy into the equation.
There are certain necessary veggies that I can't get into him any other way. Carrots and beets are critical, so I juice 1 beet and 2-3 carrots, mixed with an apple or two, a 1/2" of ginger, a cara-cara orange with a little peel on it, and a quarter of a lime with peel on. Add some wheatgrass and some spring mix. When I have broccoli stalks in the fridge I add them. It's not bad. I also sometimes add cabbage or kale.
One time he drank his juice and said, "It made me think of mowing the lawn." He meant to be funny, but the association had a reason. "There's dandelion greens in it."
One thing I found out about juicing is that everyone's ideas about it are definitive. One person will tell me not to bother with only 1 glass a day; another will tell me not to include apples because of the hit of sugar...when apples make the carrots palatable (Lindy absolutely hates root veg.)
If you have strong feelings about my juicing routine, let me know! I"m getting better and better at filtering out information I don't want and accepting what I want. (The filter is mainly what Lindy will or won't do.)
I thought I took a picture of the juice but I forgot. It's a really nice deep purple.
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