I followed the recipe, I swear I did, but the dough was brittle and tore. So I heated up a pan of oil and made tortilla chips. But that's not what I came to talk about.
I came to talk about the filling.
First of all, somehow I managed to run out of garlic. This is bad. But undaunted I cut up an onion, heated up some oil, added cumin seeds to the oil, (I'm not sure why, I was just afraid without garlic it would be bland) then added 2 diced tomatoes (if you are going to dice tomatoes by hand, which I suggest you do because of that whole toxins-in-the-lining-of-cans thing, sharpen it really well before you start. That makes it totally easy.)
Cook the tomatoes down a little bit than add black beans (I cooked dry black beans today; that toxic lining thing again). Add cumin and coriander to taste. I didn't measure but I sprinkled both to moderately cover the cooking veg. Stirred that up. Then I took a bag of spinach that I bought at my first veggie stand purchase of the year today, washed it and sliced it up. Added it to the veg and cooked it down.

A bit about beans: I'm reading How Not to Die by Michael Greger (he also has a website, Nutrition Facts chock full of videos about nutrition. I find his manner of speaking annoying, but I am sifting through the videos because his whole thing is about research) and he talks a lot about beans. They are more potent anti-cancer food than I had thought. I'm going to try to cook and serve beans in some form every day.
By the way, dried parsley is supposed to contain ample amounts of apigenin in one pinch sprinkled on whatever you've made just before serving. I have not yet once remembered to sprinkle some on what I serve Lindy since I discovered its benefits, which are many. I have also not once remembered to bring my own bags into the grocery store since Belfast banned single-use plastic bags.
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