Wednesday, May 23, 2018

It's not your taki it's MAITAKE

Yesterday I picked up a bunch of maitake mushrooms at the Natural Living Center in Bangor. Maitake is the most magical of the magic Asian mushrooms. I was a bit at a loss as to how to cook it, so I improvised. The last time I made maitake, Lindy was NOT interested, so I had to see if I could make it tasty and interesting.

I sauteed onions and sliced garlic in olive oil, then cut up bok choy (crucifers!) very fine and cooked that for awhile. Then I added cubed tofu (beans!) and browned it in a cleared side of the pan; shook a lot of crushed red pepper on the tofu. When the tofu was a little bit browned, I stirred it into the rest of the mixture. Salt and pepper.

I forgot to take pictures, but it was really good.

Then I made a huge pot of swiss chard and spinach that I got from a local farm stand. That, cooked with onions and adding lemon at the end, was also outstanding.

Problem: I keep forgetting to shake dried parsley on what I serve him. I'm supposed to add it at the end so it doesn't cook. It's for the apigenin, a phytochemical that is supposed to help the function of oxaliplatin, one of his chemo drugs. I even bought organic parsley. But I NEVER remember to use it.

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